Hope Merchants

SUNDAY SCHOOL LESSONS Messages of inspiration, hope, and encouragement help us keep positive and keep us going and not giving up. The other day, I had lunch with a new friend, a blogger, a homeschooler, and a member of various community groups who interacts with many people. Our conversation, like many these days, turned to …

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Soul at Work

SUNDAY SCHOOL LESSONS Today’s post is a bit different but hopefully useful. A good while back, I gathered input from people at work about how they could bring more “soul at work.” They each of course interpreted this in different ways, but the commonality was first to consider what they individually could do. Keep in …

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“With You All The Way”

  SUNDAY SCHOOL LESSONS To know that Jesus will be with us all the way is a blessing and comfort and it strengthens and inspires courage as we meet life’s marathon adventure. Jesus’ promise stood out when reading the Aquarian Gospel as he spoke with his disciples about his upcoming crucifixion, resurrection, and ascension. “I …

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