Miracle Alterations

A simple errand reveals a miracle and reminds us of the power of faith and prayer.

My friend sought alterations to hem her clothes. The seamstress was celebrating her new space and told us how this happened to be.

With very little notice, she had to suddenly vacate her old location, she said, due to unforeseen circumstances the property owner faced.

Accepting this alteration in her life, she prayed for God’s help as she trudged up and down city streets, looking for store rental property to no avail.

Needing space soon, she went to another nearby city to see what she could find.

She continued to pray that God would show her the way.

Property was available, but none was right due to size, rent fees, and timing. And, anyway, she was concerned whether clientele would follow her to another city, even though nearby.

It was then that she received a confirmation that this might be the right move.

She heard loud and clear in her mind– Go to XYZ. (Name withheld).

Doubt and worry surfaced.

The location didn’t make sense and there was no space for rent around it. To add to her uncertainty, her family and friends suggested other avenues.

Again, she heard –Go to XYZ.

And so, even though others had other ideas, having faith, she followed the promptings.

Turns out, XYZ’s owner said, “So funny that you should ask if any space is available. We’re just about to open the newly renovated space next door at the beginning of the month. We haven’t even advertised for it.”

Praise God, perfect timing.

The only downside to this beautiful unfoldment was she couldn’t put anything on the wall. Where was she going to arrange the ancillary product she sold? The next weekend, she ‘happened’ upon a shelving unit that fit just right in her space. It even had a light to spotlight her product –an unexpected plus.

We were told this story after discussing the news of chaos and destruction in the world.

It is a temptation to feel helpless when there is a crisis in our world and in the world.
This story reminds us …

And all things, whatsoever ye shall ask in prayer, believing, ye shall receive—Matthew 21:22

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