“Have Love One to Another”


No matter the distance of place, situation, or issue, hold them in love.

Do you have people in your life who were once close but are not now for one reason or another?

Have grudges or oppositive views kept others apart whether from your end or theirs?

Most likely in one way or another, we could all say yes to those questions.

Love was the answer in a conversation with a mom. When asked how many children she had, she said six. The other person said that having that many children must take great organization and patience. She replied, that no, they weren’t really that organized, and patience on days was hard to come by. “We just love them. Teach them to be right with God and love them. Then other things just work themselves out.”

A friend of mine, in a moment of life review, was blessed with this insight.

All of a sudden, his hand went to his heart, warmth filled it and there was a lightness as there is in prayer. He looked up and this thought went through his mind – hold them here and love them.

God answered a prayer unspoken. Feeling God’s love, the missing was replaced by loving and the gap of missing was closed. He could reach out to them whenever he wanted in love.

Another woman talked about how she passionately loved her children. As a result, on occasion, they’d gotten into trouble. She would say to them, “Oh, whatever am I going to do with you?” They always knew what I would say, “I’ll just have to keep you and love you forever.” Later, they would manage the situation and face the consequences of their actions. But the key was, from her point of view, no matter what they’d done, they could count on her love, always there.

We fuss, fret, and fume so often, worrying about what we should do or what we should say. Love is the answer. God is love. When we let God’s love work in us, between us and others, it knows its way.  It heals, transforms, and uplifts.

#GodisGood #Godsloveheals #Loveothers #Loveistheanswer #Inspiration #Inspirationalblogger

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