Dear God, you amaze us with your blessings every day; your handiwork is everywhere in our affairs!
And, if a reminder is needed –we love the one given today!
This blog was written yesterday. Today after finishing errands and navigating into a lane of traffic, in front of my car was a truck.
Ready?? Written on the back window of the truck in an arch was – “To God Be the Glory.” Underneath that, was the declaration – “Great things He has done.” Yes! Great things He does. He IS an awesome God!
Thank you, Father, it is our joy and comfort to know that Your love, faithfulness, joy, strength, and perfection are eternal.
In a world often muddied by chaos, confusion, and fraud, you are the constant, clear, undeniable, Truth. We love thee forever and ever, beyond time.
Each day we give great gratitude. During the night, when we open our eyes in the morning, and throughout every day, you are here, to be counted on. We worship and adore Thee in complete devotion to all that You are.
We are thankful that we were born in the United States of America, still free right now and we praise thee, that it is so and continues to be so.
In the times we have lived, we are grateful for each and every person whom we have met, and come to know. In one way or another, we have learned from each.
Grateful for every moment of quiet in communion with Thee, we rejoice in Thy Light and Thy Word. We are honored to be in Thy Presence.
Our souls sing joyfully that you are always with us. Even though at times, we might have felt scared or anxious, You were with us. And, You are always so. We give the glory to Thee. On our knees, pouring out our love, we praise Thee for all the miraculous healings and Thy loving compassion when we make mistakes and get lost.
Blessed are we to experience Thy beauty and bounty; grand mountains, wind melodies through yellow pines, and water-over-rock sound that soothe the soul.
Thy beauty is displayed in fields of flowers, lakes so clear we can see the bottom, expansive canyons, and the brilliant stars above. We give the glory to Thee.
Thank you, Lord God Almighty, for Thy great gift of thy only begotten Son, Jesus the Christ.
Rejoice and rejoice again; we praise Thy Holy Name. We are Thine forever.
“Give unto the LORD the glory due unto his name; worship the LORD in the beauty of holiness.” –Psalm 29:2, KJV